אילן נחמה
- משרד: בית הדומי (46), חדר 206
- טלפון: 04-9838727
- inehama@sci.haifa.ac.il
- אתר אישי

Ilan Nehama
- Office: Building 46, Room 206
- Telephone: +972-4-9838727
- Email: inehama@sci.haifa.ac.il
- Personal homepage
השכלה אקדמית
תואר ראשון (.B.Sc) במדעי המחשב, טכניון
תואר ראשון (.B.A) במתמטיקה, טכניון
תואר שני (M.A.) במדעי המחשב (עם התמחות בחקר הרציונליות), האוניברסיטה העברית
תואר שלישי (.Ph.D) במדעי המחשב (עם התמחות בחקר הרציונליות), האוניברסיטה העברית
תחומי מחקר
נושאים חישוביים בתורת המשחקים, תכנון מנגנונים, בחירה חברתית, ומיקרו-כלכלה.
מבוא למדעי המחשב
מדעי המחשב – תכנות
תכנות מונחה עצמים בג'אווה
מתמטיקה חישובית
Academic Education
B.Sc., Computer Science, Technion
B.A., Mathematics, Technion
M.A., Computer Science (with specialization in the study of rationality), The Hebrew University
Ph.D., Computer Science (with specialization in the study of rationality), The Hebrew University
Research Interests
Computational issues in Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Social Choice, and microeconomics in general.
More generally, I’m intrigued by questions on the border between CS and microeconomics and applications of the computer science perspective to questions in microeconomics.
Introduction to Computer Science A
Introduction to Computer Science B – Programming (Java)
Introduction to Computer Science C – Object Oriented Programming (Java)
Numerical Analysis
Selected Publications
- Evolutionary Foundation for Heterogeneity in Risk Aversion, Submitted.
Joint work with Yuval Heller. - Manipulation-resistant false-name-proof facility location mechanisms for complex graphs.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent System, 2021.
Joint work with Taiki Todo and Makoto Yokoo. - Making the most of potential: Potential games and genotypic convergence in varying environments.
Royal Society Open Science, 2021.
Joint work with Omer Edhan and Ziv Hellman. - Almost quasi-linear utilities in disguise: Positive representation. An extension of Roberts’ theorem.
The 15th conference on web and internet economics (WINE), 2019. - Manipulations-resistant facility location mechanisms for ZV -line graphs.
The 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS), 2019.
Joint work with Taiki Todo and Makoto Yokoo. - Prophets and secretaries with overbooking.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), 2018.
Joint work with Tomer Ezra and Michal Feldman. - Analyzing games with ambiguous players types using the MINthenMAX decision model.
The 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS), 2017. - Complexity of optimal lobbying in threshold aggregation.
Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT), 2015. - Approximately classic judgement aggregation.
Annals of Mathematics & Artificial Intelligence (AMAI), Special issue on algorithms, approximation, and empirical studies in behavioral and computational social choice, 2013 - Mechanism design on discrete lines and cycles.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), 2012.
Joint work with Elad Dokow, Michal Feldman, and Reshef Meir. - Approximate Judgement Aggregation.
Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE), 2011. - Solving constraints on the invisible bits of the intermediate result for floating-point.
IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, 2005.
Joint work with Merav Aharoni, Sigal Asaf, Ron Maharik, Ilya Nikulshin, and Abraham Ziv.