פביאן שורקי
- משרד: בית הדומי (46), חדר 204
- טלפון: 04-9539675
- דוא"ל: fabiennechouraqui@gmail.com
- אתר אישי

Fabienne Chouraqui
- Office: Building 46, Room 204
- Telephone: +972-4-9539675
- Email: fabiennechouraqui@gmail.com
- Personal homepage
השכלה אקדמית
תואר ראשון (.B.Sc) בהנדסת תעשיה וניהול, הטכניון
תואר ראשון (.B.A) במתמטיקה, הטכניון
תואר שני (.M.Sc) במתמטיקה, הטכניון
תואר שלישי (.Ph.D) במתמטיקה, הטכניון
תחומי מחקר
תורת החבורות הקומבינטורית והגיאומטרית
חדו"א א'
חדו"א ב'
אלגברה מודרנית א'
אלגברה מודרנית ב'
Academic Education
B.Sc., Industrial Engineering and Management, The Technion
B.A, Mathematics, The Technion
M.Sc., Mathematics, The Technion
Ph.D., Mathematics, The Technion
Research Interests
Combinatorial and geometric group and semigroup theory
Calculus 1
Calculus 2
Modern Algebra
Linear Algebra
Group Theory
Galois Theory
Complex Analysis
Selected Publications
Fabienne Chouraqui, Rewriting Systems in Alternating Knot Groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation (2006), vol.16, n.4, p. 749-769.
Fabienne Chouraqui, Rewriting Systems in Alternating Knot Groups with the Dehn presentation, Geometriae Dedicata (2009), vol.138, p.173-192.
Fabienne Chouraqui, Rewriting Systems and Embedding of Monoids in Groups, Groups, Complexity and Cryptology (2009), vol.1, n.1, p. 131-140.
Fabienne Chouraqui, Garside groups and the Yang-Baxter equation, Communications in Algebra (2010), vol.38, n.12, p. 4441-4460.
Fabienne Chouraqui, The Knuth-Bendix algorithm and the conjugacy problem in monoids, Semigroup Forum(2011), vol.82, n.1, p. 181-196.
Fabienne Chouraqui, Eddy Godelle, Folding of set-theoretical solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, Algebras and Representation theory (2012), vol.15, n.6,p. 1277-1290.
Fabienne Chouraqui, Eddy Godelle, Finite quotients of groups of I-type, Advances in Mathematics (2014), vol. 258, p. 46-68.
Fabienne Chouraqui, Left-orders in Garside groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation (2016), vol.26, n.7, p. 1349-1359.
Fabienne Chouraqui, Construction of a group of automorphisms for an infinite family of Garside groups, Communications in Algebra (2018), vol. 46 (11), 4710-4723.
Fabienne Chouraqui, The Herzog-Schonheim conjecture for finitely generated groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation (2019), vol.29, n.6, p. 1083-1112.
Fabienne Chouraqui, The Zappa-Szep product of left-orderable groups, Chapter 3, in Infinite Group: From the Past to the Future, World scientific publisher 2016. pp 43-49
Fabienne Chouraqui, An approach to the Herzog-Schonheim conjecture using automata, Developments in Language theory 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 12086, Springer-Verlag p.55-68, 2020.
Fabienne Chouraqui, About an extension of the Davenport-Rado result to the Herzog-Schonheim conjecture for free groups, submitted, ArXiv1901.09898.
Fabienne Chouraqui, Herzog-Schonheim conjecture, vanishing sums of roots of unity and convex polygons, submitted, ArXiv 2009.04817.